Monday 7 November 2011

Tugas B Inggris ( The Little Red Hen )

Nama : Udi Parta PHB
No : 39
Kelas : XI IPA 1
The Little Red Hen
Once upon a time, there was a red hen lived in a farm with her chickens. she also lived with the other neighbours the goose and the duck.
One day, she found a grain of wheat . so she asked her neighbours, the duck . who will plant this wheat ? and no one wanted to plant the wheat. so she planted the grain of wheat her self.
When the wheat was ripe she said, " Who will take this wheat to the mill ? " And, again, no one wanted to do it. So she took the wheat to the mill.
When she brougt the flour home she said, " Who will make some bread with this flour ?" And as predicted,no one would like to do it.
Ago, she was making bread from flour that by the number of lots.

a very hot day, farm land into food shortages. at that time, he saved the lives of his friends yesterday did not want to try anything. by providing food aid has he made from grain that has been in his planting.

The little hen is a hero and eventually there were no deaths that appears in that area because it was in saved by him.

Finally, all the creatures in there are very pleased and happy life. Graduated.

Artinya : lalu, dia pun membuat roti dari tepung itu dengan jumlah banyak sekali.
suatu hari yang sangat panas, lahan perternakan itu menjadi kekurangan makanan. di saat itu, dia menyelamatkan nyawa teman nya yang kemarin tidak mau berusaha apa pun. dengan memberi banyak bantuan makanan yang sudah dia buat dari biji gandum yang sudah di tanam nya.
Ayam betina kecil itu menjadi pahlawan dan akhirnya tidak ada kematian yang muncul pada daerah tersebut karena sudah di selamatkan oleh dia.
Akhirnya semua makhluk di sana sangat senang dan hidup bahagia. Tamat.

Moral lesson : Pembelajaran Moral :

It should help each other live. Hidup itu harus saling membantu.

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